Our children’s Sunday School begins when your child is three years old and potty-trained. Classes are from 10:00 to 10:45, between the two Sunday worship celebrations. We love having your children join you in worship before or after their education time. It is a great way for them to hear the stories in worship they studied that day in Sunday School.
There are several different methods of learning offered at Luther Memorial. Sometimes, there is classroom time with their regular teachers, exploring the Bible. Sometimes, the students go on field trips or do service projects. Twice a year, the third- through sixth-graders have four Sundays of chime practice with the Director of Music, who is also an elementary school music teacher; they play their song at the beginning of the 11:00 worship.
The congregation is treated every year when the children have their Christmas Program at the 11:00 worship time. They rehearse their parts and the music for some weeks prior to that Sunday. It gives the children an opportunity to be in front of a crowd of supportive, caring people and it gives the congregation the joy of hearing the Christmas story through these young students.