High School students, ninth through twelfth-graders, meet Sunday mornings at 10:00 to have conversations with adults from the congregation about life and faith. They learn prayer practices, talk about current events through the eyes of their faith, and share stories of their lives with each other.
The students request a lock-in once or twice a year. Most recently they have wanted them so they could do “praying with mixed-media” with one of the adult leaders who is also a certified spiritual director and sought-after retreat leader.
A highlight for most of the students is taking a ten-day work trip during the summer, usually to a Native American reservation, to paint homes, build decks and ramps, and replace roofs. They prepare for the spiritual dimension of the trip during the Sundays leading up to the trip, learn about the culture they will be serving, and get lessons on how to use ladders and the tools they need to complete their jobs. Several adult men and women go along on the trip to help reinforce the values of mature Christians and support the teenagers in their experiences on the trip.
The Sunday after the youth return from their work trip, they lead worship at both services. It is another opportunity for them to practice public speaking and reading, share their experiences of the trip, and to receive the support and care of the congregation.
As the Seniors graduate, the congregation sends them on their way with a quilt made by the women quilters of Luther Memorial.