Home Raised in Faith

Raised in Faith

Christian discipleship is an ongoing task as we live the faith. We offer age-appropriate teaching for three-year olds to nonageneraians. Some classes and studies are for exploring the Bible more deeply; others are for learning how to grow spiritually. Look below to read about our different ministries for maturing in the faith.

Bible opened on story about resurrection of Jesus and bunch of tulips.

Learning & Growing – Overview

The Power of Awe Do you know that feeling of awe when you experience the birth of your child? Or when you sit out in...
Wise Men Christmas Program

Learning & Growing – Children

Our children's Sunday School begins when your child is three years old and potty-trained. Classes are from 10:00 to 10:45, between the two Sunday...

Learning & Growing – Middle School

Get the 2016-2017 Confirmation Schedule Here. Our Middle School years are those students who are seventh and eighth-graders. These are the Confirmation years for most...
Youth work trip

Learning & Growing – High School

High School students, ninth through twelfth-graders, meet Sunday mornings at 10:00 to have conversations with adults from the congregation about life and faith. They...
Adult bible study

Learning & Growing – Adults

The spiritual journey is a life-long adventure. What we understand about the faith changes as we mature, assuming we continue learning in an intentional...